Friday, April 28, 2006IT'S HARD OUT HERE FOR A PUMP
This is a link to an Ann Coulter piece about gas prices.
I've been looking into this lately. With all the bru-ha-ha about gas prices. I remember seeing the old stickers that used to appear at the pumps showing how much of the cost in each gallon of gas was taxes. You think they are bad in the States? 1 liter of gas, here is about 1.30 euro, off post. A liter is just ever so slightly more than a quart. So, a gallon of gas here is about 5.2 euro, or, under the current exchange rate, gas is about $6.30 a gallon, here. Ann Coulter states that the oil companies make about $.09 a gallon in profit from each gallon of gas, the Federal government makes about $.18 a gallon in taxes, and each state varies, with New York taking most, at $.44 a gallon in taxes. In all of my research, the numbers differ, but the relationship between them remain the same. For every cent the gas companies make, the Federal government makes 2 and the states make up to 5. If this was not bad enough, Congress is talking about imposing a "windfall profits tax", on the oil companies. A tax on the oil companies because they are making so much money. Tell me what you think. Do you really believe that if this tax is passed that the oil companies are going to just absorb this tax without passing the cost of this expense on to the consumer, meaning you and I? If US legislatures, state and federal, really want to help the average American, then they should roll back their current taxes, not add more. There is a lot of noise from legislators about price gouging. Look at the numbers. I agree with them that there is. The legislators are the ones that are doing it. If you don't like the price at the pump, write your Congressman, and demand that he/she drop the tax rate on your gas. They get more of your money than the oil companies.