I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Unequal "Little People"

I have, in the past, entire articles by Arnold Ahlert, a writer for the New York Post editorial page. He writes some short and to the point beauties.

Here is another:

April 10, 2006 -- ARE all "little people" equal? For the American Left, the answer is decidedly no.

There are two groups of "little people" currently dominating the political scene in America: illegal immigrants and ordinary Iraqis. The former group has the undying support of the American Left for all the "right" reasons: they are refugees from politically and economically dysfunctional countries who only want to make better lives for themselves and their families. Illegal? An "unimportant detail" when so much suffering can be alleviated - if only we "care" enough.

Ordinary Iraqis? That same American Left is more than willing to abandon them to terrorist savages.

Ordinary Iraqis - who've demonstrated tremendous courage and determination to better their lives - are of no concern to those whose "compassion" is apparently restricted to the Western Hemisphere's downtrodden.

Guess some "little people" are simply more equal than others.


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