Monday, March 27, 2006I Remember Everything!
I remember everything!
I remember everything little thing, as if it happened yesterday I was barely seventeen, and I once killed a boy with a fender guitar I don’t remember if it was a telecaster or a stratocaster But I do remember that it had a heart of chrome, and a voice like a horny angel I don’t remember if it was a telecaster or a stratocaster But I do remember that it wasn’t at all easy --"Wasted Youth" from Bat Out of Hell II: Back Into Hell written by Jim Steinman This is part of one of my favorite introductions to a rock song ever. Sometimes I pull out the CD just to listen to "Wasted Youth." There is another point to all of this. The fact that I remember. Apparently, much more than most of my age and older. This is why the mania over the lat few years about "global warming" does not really get to me that much. The thumbnail below is a scan of a Newsweek article. Peter Gwynne is the author. He was, apparently, a bureau writer at the time. That is the only credit he is given. (AP, UP, Reuters, I don't know.) The date is April 28, 1975. Today, the cry is "The Earth is warming! The Earth is Warming!". When I was kid, it was "The Earth is cooling! The Earth is cooling!". In both cases: floods, monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, droughts, ... every climatic catastrophe you can think of has been blamed on these things ... during the time of their individual panics. ![]() If you can't read the image well, post a comment, leaving your email address. All comments go to my email box, and I have a copy of the pdf file the image was based on.