This is the fifth post for the day.
Scroll down for the substance.
This is a "puppy-vibes" post.
Here is the pup, and "crippled" dog.
(The pup is the one with the mostly black face, and, yes, they are from the same breed.)

This is the handicapped dog. You know, the one in the wheel-chair.
My bad. The boy can stand, walk, and have a major attitude.
Here he is, refusing to stand still enough to not be blurred in a picture (He's "talking" about it, too, BTW).

Then, there is Radar.
My boy ... okay, Little(Grumpy)Old Man is more appropriate.

But, you know what?
It's getting pretty late here.
I'm going to do a Gimli ... according to these last pics.

Schon Abend.
Buenos noches.
I forget the Korean.
Good Night.
(Or southern)
'Nite Y'all.
# posted by
Kevin Robertson @ 4/10/2006 03:31:00 pm