I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Monday, April 10, 2006


'Furl that flag,' for 'tis leery

The article linked in the title of this is by Wesley Pruden, of the Washington Times. It's his latest "Pruden on Politics" piece.

It's worth taking the time to read.

He closes with this:

A curious and telling fact about the flags in the demonstrations in downtown Los Angeles is that the Mexican flags seemed to have been held aloft mostly by Mexican-Americans who were born here, perhaps as a romantic gesture of homage to a homeland past and gone. The Stars and Stripes were carried by new immigrants, who only just escaped from a place they're eager to leave behind. They know better than to indulge romance.

I'm reminded of a story I heard about people in the Army.

The person telling the story told how there were quite a number of black people in his unit. All, but one, were born American citizens.

He related how that all of the black people in his unit demanded to be called "African-Americans" ... except for the one that was not born an American citizen.

That one guy was, actually, born in Africa. He had immigrated to the US, enlisted in our Army, and earned his citizenship while wearing the uniform of our country.

He refused to be called "African-American". He insisted on just, plain "American".

Go figure.

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