I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I Have a Bad Feeling About This

It was early March, 2001. I was sitting at my desk in my den in Lawton, OK reading the news on CNN's website. My wife was in the kitchen a few feet away. Today, I'm not sure which exact article I was reading, but I think it was this one. It might have been this one, or this one, though. I stopped, and told my wife, "We are going to be at war with these people within the next 18 months." She asked me why. I told her that I didn't have a specific reason that would start it, but they were insane enough that they were going to find a way to be at war with us.

Keep in mind that this was March of 2001, and the group I was talking about the Taliban in Afghanistan.

So, I read the article linked in the title of this article, after reading several articles about their President: the things he espouses, and the things he has been saying about the US, Israel, and the Holocaust, or rather that it never happened.

This guy is nuts. The way things are going he is going to have a nuclear weapon very shortly. That is, if he doesn't have one already. He believes that he can help bring on the Islamic version of the "Rapture", if he causes enough trouble.

Don't forget that these are the same people that held our embassy personnel hostage for more than a year. I do not exaggerate when I say that. The Isalmic Revolutionary Guard were the ones that were behind taking our people hostage. Their current President is a former member of this group.

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