Thursday, January 26, 2006Terror for Dems
This is short piece from the New York Post. I love it. It's short enought that I am just going to quote it all here.
(BTW, the author is Arnold Ahlert. I claim no credit for this article, other than copying and pasting it into my "Blog This" window.) January 24, 2006 -- FOUR questions regarding the War on Terror that most Democrats can't — or won't — answer. * If Iraq is the "wrong war, etc." where — exactly — should America be prosecuting the war on terror? Hint: If we capture or kill Osama bin Laden, is the War on Terror "over"? * If all diplomatic measures fail to deter Iran's quest for nuclear capability, should the nations of the West use military force? * If those other nations are either militarily incapable or simply unwilling to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, should the United States act unilaterally? * If "war is not the answer" — and, as many Democrats have made clear, neither is the attempt to "democratize" the Middle East — how do you propose stop the spread of Islamo-facism? There are serious questions — far too serious to be ignored or demagogued. The American people have a right to know what, if any, serious alternatives Democrats have for dealing with the War on Terror — before the 2006 election.
Those are all good questions. Ones I shake my head and think about often. I hope all is well in Germany.
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