I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


French unrest falls to 'normal' levels

You know it's amazing how funny a group of people that have little grasp of the concept of humor can be!

Of course, I am talking about the French.

It's official. Things are back to "normal".

To quote the article:
"The situation has returned to normal because about 100 vehicles are set on fire each night in France," a police spokesman said.

Let's see if I have this right. A country about twice the size of Colorado, and a population of around 61 million, is considering race/religious rioting that only burns 100 cars a night "normal"?

I found this little gem of a quote on another site:
I've received several reports that, during the Los Angeles riots of 1992, the French government actually proclaimed that such violent unrest would "never happen" in their country because of sheer pervasiveness of their socialist programs.

My-oh-my...how time has a way of exposing Leftist bullcrap for what it truly is.

Of course, if you have seen a high of 1,400 cars burnt in one night (November 6th), and over 9,000 cars burnt since all of this started on October 27 (3 weeks ago, or roughly 3,000 cars a week), 100 cars in one night seems like a slow night.

It's amazing what you can get used to.

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