Monday, October 17, 2005A Tale of Two Countries
Let's have "Fun with History" for a bit, and compare and contrast two countries.
Okay, we have country "A" and country "B". Both were under a tyrannical regime. Both, through the aid of foreign powers, gained independence. In the process of gaining independence, they both formed interim governments that had their ups and downs. They both struggled to form contemporary militaries and security forces. They struggled with dissent from their "rebellion" from both their own citizens and foreign outsiders. Both governments struggled to gain international acceptance. Both struggled to build infrastructure and a fledgling economy. Both sets of "Founding Fathers" were highly religious, in modern terms. Both countries, in crucial elections, recently, have had similar eligible voter turnouts. That is most of what countries "A" and "B" have in common. Country "A" voted into being a viable constitution 15 years after the "interim" government took power. Country "B" voted into being a viable constitution within 1 year of taking power. Which one would you consider more successful, in terms of democracy and establishing a stable government, given what you have just read? Country "B" is Iraq. Country "A"? The United States of America. Makes you think doesn't it? Especially given how things are supposed to going so terribly in Iraq.