I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Weight May Be Factor in N.Y. Boat Accident

At first, I read the headline, and thought, "No, they aren't going to go there. They can't. They are just opening themselves up for so much trash in the media, that they wouldn't." Then, I skimmed the article. And, guess what? Yes, they did.

That's right. The people in charge of figuring out why the Ethan Allen tour boat capsized this last weekend are pulling out all stops to figure out why this terrible event happened. One possible explanation that is being seriously considered ... so much so that the investigators are talking to the press about it, is that the passengers were too fat for the boat.

I found this story this evening after work on Yahoo. It turns out the story is from the Associated Press. The AP apparently is on a "fat" kick. I skimmed over this article today in the Stars and Stripes over lunch, also from the AP.

What happened on the Ethan Allen is a tragedy? I offer my condolences to everyone that lost people they cared for.

However, there is a darkly funny, and sad possibility that, when the National Transportation Safety Board releases it findings for the cause of the accident, their answer is going to be, basically, that there were too many fat people together in one place.

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