I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Sorry I Haven't Posted in a While

Things have been kind of hectic, lately. Lots of stuff to tell. But the big thing is that the Robertson household has a new member.

His ID says that his name is Bart von Schafershof. We call him Gimli (for those of you who have not seen the Lord of the Rings, it rhymes with Kim Lee ... hard "g" sound) He is a "grosse saufarben dackel".

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That translates to standard, wire-haired, black and tan dachshund. He is 15 weeks old. As a standard, instead of a mini, like the two old men, at 15 weeks old, Gimli weighs about as much, and is almost as big as the two "Old Farts". The "Old Farts weigh between 13 and 14 pounds a piece, and Gimli weighs about 12-13 pounds.

Gimli and the "Old Men", our two red short-haired miniature dachshunds, are getting along pretty well. They are still figuring who is who, in regard to pack "hierarchy".

Tasselhof, who is most like him in character, doesn't like the pup much. Radar and Gimli play all the time.

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It hasn't been entirely smooth, and it's not entirely resolved. But, I can say that we are one big, happy family.

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