Thursday, December 08, 2005Dean Seeks to Clarify Comments on Iraq
Warning! High Speed Reverse in Progress!
First, we have Murtha and the key Democrats in the House going on record as: Dean's broadside Monday, likening Iraq to the Vietnam experience, went beyond an earlier call by Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., to begin to pull troops out. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., embraced Murtha's position Wednesday. And, in case you missed it, here is Dean's quote from the radio show in Texas: The idea that we're going to win this war is an ideal that unfortunately is just plain wrong, After saying that, he explained it by saying that: They kind of cherry-picked that one the same way the president cherry-picked the intelligence going into Iraq. So, let me see if I have this right, he said "just plain wrong", in regards to the idea that we could or would win the war in Iraq. "Cherry picked", huh? He said it was taken "a little out of context". It seemed pretty clear to me. Amazingly, the AP article at the link above states: "He seemed to be striving to counter charges that statements by some Democrats suggesting a pullout are having the effect of undermining U.S. servicemen and women." Oh, really? By making the statement I quoted first from him? This is his idea of countering the charges? He went on to say that Bush is "going in the wrong direction. We'll go in the right direction and save soldiers lives while we're doing it." What wrong direction? Have you been listening to the news? Yes, there are attacks daily from the insurgents being reported on the news. For the most part, who are they attacking? Other Iraqis. I heartily encourage you to watch, read and listen to the news, and notice what is there. As well as what is not. The reason the Iraqis are now the primary targets? They are taking more and more responsibility for the security within Iraq. They, not the US troops, are now the primary threat to the success of the insurgency. That, and the Iraqis are easier targets. Finally, Dean said on CNN: We need to redeploy our troops and stop making our troops the target over there. Oh really? Let me ask you a question, how many terrorist attacks have taken place on US soil since the end of 2001? Think back, carefully. I'm pretty sure that I speak for the majority of the almost half a million people in the US Army when I say that I would rather go over there and brave mortars, rockets and IED's, if that means that my parents, in-laws, brother, nieces and nephews, don't have to face the same thing. We are doing the wrong thing? We have no strategy? We took the fight to them. That way, there are no more 9/11's. First step in the War on Terror was to get the attacks off US soil and away from US civilians. Those of us in uniform signed up to go into harm's way to protect those at home. If that means drawing fire onto us to keep off the folks at home, so be it. Wednesday, December 07, 2005Thanks, but No Thanks
I'm sick to death of the Democratic leadership, and the way they are "supporting" the troops.
![]() (The pictures are links by the way for more commentary.) I completely agree with the following picture and what the creator of this photo has to say. ![]() As a sidenote, I have added a button down on the lower right that leads to the site of the creator of these pictures, and several others that I have posted on my blog. I'm going to include it here as well: ![]() They have an email notification list that will let you know when they add new material. Check it out.