I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Christmas/giving Thanks/"My Boys"

I am one lucky SOB. (That is no reflection on my mother, by the way. It's a commentary on me.)
I, still, even after retirement from the Army, have my DREAM JOB, and it keeps getting better.
Then there is Amy. ... I looked her in the eye, on June 22nd, 1985, and swore "til death do us part". I mean it more now than I did then, because, frankly, I didn't think I would live this long.
THEN, even though Amy and I have never "had children", biologically, I ... We have these THREE ... INCREDIBLE, WONDERFUL, AND AMAZING kids, that call me, or think of me as "Dad".
I came home, last night, after the culmination of my ROUGHEST time of the year ... and Amy is gone to visit her folks.
I was expecting to come home to a house empty of anything, except for hungry dogs. ... and trying to figure out what in the "Wide, Wide World of Sports" I was going to do to give my kids a "Christmas".
Thanks to everything that had gone on recently, we didn't even have a tree, much less a decorated one.
So, last night, I walk in the door, late, like my Dad used to (and you read my expectations above).
And there were my kids. Rainey was sick and laid out on the couch, but that's okay, because, no matter how much I love, adore, and amazed by her skills and talents, cooking is one of the few things that she does not excel at.
But, there was Zeus and Brandon, "my boys", going to town in the kitchen.
Even though they were "set up for failure", because of the state of the kitchen, they put on a good "Robertson Christmas Eve" dinner ... while running me out of the kitchen.
I was surprised, and we did our normal "banter" ... even though they wouldn't let me take part/help ... okay, let's face it, If they had let me in the kitchen, I would have taken charge.
They didn't let that happen.
They made me do what I should do to relax.
...And so I did.
While it wasn't a traditional "sit down at the table" meal, it fit us, and our history. ... and neither Amy or I did ANYTHING to make it happen.
"Our boys" did this for our family.
And because they did that, later today, we can all (except for Amy, she is in Tennessee) enjoy my favorite part of Christmas.

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