I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


My father-in-law gets in on the act

(The following was emailed to me my by my father-in-law)

The following (below the double line) did not originate with me, but
it seems that John Kerry is allowing us to believe a lie . . . for his
benefit. Nothing new there, in politics, but this one seems particular
flagrant. I can find nothing on the internet that says Kerry's
statement is true . . . the 17% increase in Medicare premiums was
passed during the Clinton Administration, and Kerry helped pass it .
.. .. it just went into effect under Bush . . . I find nothing to
contradict that (if anyone can do so, please let me know).

Also, the http addresses below are additional sources if you care to
inestigate further.

John Kerry is running a commercial in which George Bush pledges to
help Seniors on Medicare and "the very next day imposes a 17% premium
increase - the biggest in history"?

That ad is a stoke of genius on Kerry's part and will surely gain him
many votes among the uninformed.

As it turns out the 17% increase was not imposed by President Bush but
was mandated by the "balanced budget agreement" signed by President
Clinton, voted into law by Senator John Kerry, and was scheduled to
come into effect during the Bush administration. President Bush had no
authority to reverse what had been voted into law by Senator Kerry
during the Clinton administration.

Once again Kerry is counting on the ignorance of the American people.
Don't be duped by his mendacity. ________________________________


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