I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


1st Infantry Division Memorial Quilt

This is a quilt that a co-worker of mine made while here in Iraq.

It lists all of the units that make up "Task Force Danger", the division task force headed by the 1st Infantry Division. Each unit has it's own square on the front. Most of those squares have not only the unit's name embroidered on it, but the unit's patch (if it's not the Big Red One patch) sewn on, and signatures by the Commanders and senior enlisted personnel who have led those units down here.

The back is a sheet that was set out at our recreation facility, and soldiers visiting the facility were encouraged to sign it.

So, the quilt features the Division's leadership, and the rank and file soldiers.

SGT Smith is listing this quilt on EBay through a project called Mission Fish. Mission Fish handles all items sold through EBay where the proceeds will go to a non-profit organization. SGT Smith is donating all proceeds from this quilt to the educational fund of the Society of the 1st Infantry Division (an independent veteran's organization for past and present members of the Big Red One). This fund provides scholarships to all of the children of soldiers of the Big Red One that have died in combat. The current war in Iraq has added 48 new children to the list of beneficiaries of this fund.

The quilt goes on auction on the first of November. I highly recommend that you check it out. A lot of love and care went into it's construction.

As a challenge to all who have said something like "I don't support the war, but I support the troops.", this is your chance to back up your words with actions that will count for something

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