I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Talking Linguistics ...

As some of us learned in reading class, during elementary school, "pro" and "con" are prefixes that modify a "root word". At the same time, we learned that the two prefixes are the EXACT opposite of each other.

We, also, learned that there are suffixes, attached to the end of a "root word" that modify the root, as well.

Currently, the two houses of Congress (The Senate, and the House of Representatives) have an overwhelming majority of people from the Democrat Party. In the Senate the count is 59-41, and in the House it is 255-178.

So, the Democrat "Congress"men enjoy a 314-219 majority, in the two houses. These people fought long, and hard campaigns to have the honor of being named "Congress"men. They are proud to be "Congress"men.

Yet, most of the 314 campaigned as "Progress"ives. Took millions of dollars of other people's money to win their political office, in total. With the promise that they will be "Progress"ive "Congress"men.

Am I the only one to see the oxymoron in this?

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