I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Friday, February 10, 2006



Not going to say much about this. It's pretty standard Ann Coulter stuff, which means you either enjoy it, or you absolutely hate it, and her.

She does bring up a rather interesting point.

You know, I assume, about all the rioting that has gone on in every country with a large, or predominantly Muslim population. Everywhere from France and England to Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Iran has had major protests in the news. It seems like any country with a sizeable Muslim population is experiencing this.

Or is it?

What Islamic nation has not had protests over this issue in the news?

If you said Iraq, you are right.

It's a shame things are such mess there that the millions of Muslims there can't even protest this outrage ... that took place last September!

Or maybe they just don't see the point.

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