The story is really about Senate Republicans sponsoring a procedural rule for the Senate that outlaws filibustering during votes on judicial nominees.
They better think twice about this one. This is one of those things that cuts both ways. Sure, it allows Republicans, now, to keep Senate Democrats from interminably holding up the President's judicial nominees. The bad thing is that, in the foreseeable future, there could be a Democrat in the White House, and a Senate that is dominated by the Democrats. (The exact opposite of the current situation.) The Republicans will then ccry foul when they run afoot of the rule that they themselves put in place.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Not meaning to mix metaphors, but it is possible in the not too distant future for the Republican party to be hoist by it's own petard.
# posted by
Kevin Robertson @ 5/21/2005 07:41:00 am