I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Parole Board Recommends Against Clemency

Some people just don't get it.

First, let me say that I am all in favor of capital punishment. Crimes like rape, murder, etc., especially if the criminal is a repeat offender, are appropriate uses of it. I believe that the case should be reviewed and appealed to insure that justice is appropriately served. Let's face it, there are some people that just need to be put down like rabid dogs.

This guy, basically, admits that he is one of those people. He doesn't want a pardon. He just wants a delay to the execution.


His sister is going to die without a liver transplant. He is a possible donor. Livers for transplant are rare. Without a liver, a person will die, quickly. Johnson wants to see if his sister can use his liver. The medical tests to determine that will take more time than his current execution date allows for. He wants more time to see if his liver will work.

He doesn't want a pardon. He wants some more time to see if he can help his sister.

Whic brings me to my point.

Remember where I said, "Without a liver, a person will die, quickly."? To give his sister his liver, he has to die. You can't donate your liver without being dead. The state is not granting him some extraordinary privilege, like a pardon, by allowing him time to see if he can give his sister his liver. In fact, if the state grants his wish, they are insuring that they can follow through on the death penalty.

Besides, what is more appropriate? This guy beat and stomped an 85 year old woman to death. He confessed to it. Ironically, by executing him, the government is making a statement about the sanctity of life. But, the statement is a negative one. Negative reinforcement of behavior, if you will. The government has the opportunity to expand it's commitment to the sanctity of life by allowing this murderer's death to save another life.

Or they can continue to appear like callous and uncaring bureaucrats that have no regard for anything but governmental procedure.

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