I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Friday, April 22, 2005


Antarctic glaciers show retreat

The interesting part about this article is the reference to influences on the Antarctic glaciers that are NOT global warming.

Given everything I have read, I would not worry too much about global warming.

The references to changing ocean currents, on the other hand, is something to be concerned about. It's kind of like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". The basic science in that movie is sound. The timeframe is pure fiction, but the underlying science on how Ice Ages occur is sound.

At the start of an Ice Age, there are two noticeable signs: 1) ocean currents, the Gulf Stream in particular, shift, and 2) the polar ice caps actually shrink.

The book that I have read on this is called "How a Change of Climate Made Us Human". The title is a bit misleading. It really is about how the theories on how and when Ice Ages occur have changed in the last 150 years. According to the current accepted theories, what we are seeing is what could be the beginning of the next Ice Age.

Nothing to worry about, though, if it is happening then we have several thousand years before the next one will start.

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