Tuesday, May 13, 2008Is Obama "Smarter Than a 5th Grader"?
Wow! Barak Obama is something else! According to his Wikipedia bio, he is a graduate of Columbia Univeristy and Harvard Law School. He has done a pretty good job of hiding that!
In a Question and Answer session with Charlie Savage for the Boston Globe, on December 20, 2007, Obama demonstrated gross ignorance of the Constitution. In particular, the Constitutional duties of Senator, and the President. Now, keep in mind, he IS a Senator, and wants to be President. But, in this Q&A, his knowledge of the Constitutional mandates, and limits of both of those jobs is just laughable. That is, if he wasn't a Senator, who is trying to become President. When I was in Junior High, back in the 70's, in podunk Missouri, you know the area of the country that Obama says is full of bitter people that cling to guns, religion, and bigotry, it was a requirement that all 7th Graders pass a 100 question test on the content of the Constitution. Obama proves in the above linked interview that he could not pass that test. You would think that someone who swears the following: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." ; should have a knowledge of the Constitution equal to the pubescent in "Red Neck Country"? So, now the big question, is Obama Smarter Than a 5th Grader? In the embedded video below, Obama states that in the 15 months of his campaign, he has visted 57 of the 50 US States, and has one more to go. He won't be visiting Hawaii, and Alaska. So, he won't be hitting them all. Given my viewing of "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?", my guess is that "How Many States Are In the United States?" would be a 1st Grade U.S. Geography question. Unless his 10 year old partner on the show could "Save", Senator Obama would have had to look into the camera and state, on national television, that he was not smarter than a 5th grader. Next question: On May 4, 2006, CNN reported on a study that showed 2/3rds of US citizens between the ages of 18 and 24 COULD NOT find Iraq on a map. Given that he doesn't know how many States are in the United States, can he find Iraq on a map? According to his knowledge of the country he lives, and has spent 15 months canvassing, the chances aren't good. Last question: He has a gross ignorance of the highest law in the land, the law that governs his current job, and the one he is running for. He doesn't know how many States are in the United States. With this fundamental lack of knowledge, can he competently execute the duties of the President ... or, even, his current elected position?