I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Thursday, November 01, 2007



As always, I encourage you to follow the link embedded in the title to this post, so you can understand what I am talking about.

The article in question is about the Westboro Baptist Church. I am sure you have heard about them. They are the group that goes around protesting at funerals for fallen service members.

To give you an idea of what they are like, I will post a quote from the AP article that I linked to:

Members promised to picket future funerals with placards bearing such slogans as "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "God hates fags."


The group believes that U.S. deaths in the Iraq war are punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality. They say they are entitled to protest at funerals under the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech and religion.

They were recently ordered to pay $11 million to the family of a Marine, after protesting at his funeral.

As someone raised as a Christian, and is currently a soldier, I find their behavior to be the exact opposite of what they claim to stand for.

I'm not saying that they are wrong, as Christians to be against the war, or homosexuality. That they choose to express this at the funerals of fallen soldiers, and the verbage they choose is what I find to be contradictory to the book that they claim guides their beliefs.

Let me illustrate:

Jesus said:
Matt 5:4
Blessed are those who mourn ,
for they will be comforted.

The apostle Paul told the Christians in Rome to:
Rom 12:15
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn .

Given their behavior, I have a real difficult seeing how they are "blessing" those that are mourning, or mourning with them!

Given the fact that the first quote was from the mouth Jesus (the Christ in the word Christianity), I have a hard time seeing where they can be truthfully claim to be attempting to follow this person.

I hope the father of this poor Marine takes them for all they are worth.

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