I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


my 9/11 tribute

It's been a rough day.

I'm a musician for the Army. I'm an Iraq war vet. I don't know how my day could have been good.

It was 9/11 when I started this blog project. No matter what thet time and date stamp is on this post ... or the few that precede it.

I would have done this earlier in the night, but I had to work. There was an Army Stryker unit ... you know, the guys that have been in the news, a lot, the last few months because the insurgents have figured out how to blow the crap out of our wheeled, armored vehicles (Strykers). They came home tonight. Their brigade (3,000-4,000 troops) lost 49 during their time in Iraq. I got home at, almost, 10 tonight, after playing for their welcome home.


We, the US of A, were given notice on September 11, 2001, that the radical elements of Islam were serious about the war that they had declared on us ... dating back to the Iranian hostage crisis or 1979.

It took the events of September 11, 2001 for us to take them seriously. 3,000 civilians, and 93 uniformed service people had to die, on OUR ground.

This is a religious war. The enemy has said that their aim is for us to convert, or die ... and they don't really care about our choice ... they, mostly, prefer die.

That is, specifically:
you, your spouse, your children,your family, your friends should die, now, because you have not converted, already; because, notice was served years ago.

Do you find that acceptable?
If you do, then why haven't you, already, converted to Islam?

So, anyway, here we are 6 years down the road from that awful day ...

I admire the people on Flight 93 that said "Let's roll."

They were heroes.

The mainstream press in the US has, mostly, ignored stories of heroism, on our side, in the war that 9/11 started.

Screw them.

I've been to Iraq. I am a member of my local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars(VFW). I'm not a "hero". I served, yes. I did my part, yes. I'm no hero, but I served with several ... to include CSM Faulkenberg, Command Sergeant Major of the 2-2 Infantry.

Some of those stories are below this post.

Read those stories, please.

I believe that the war we are fighting is just. I believe that it can be won.

More than that:
I believe it is a war that we have to fight.
I believe that we have to fight it to win.

My brain, my heart, my gut says that this is a war that we cannot to afford to lose, if we, as the "America" of the Declaration of Independence, or the preamble of the Constitution, want to continue to be who and what we are.

If you agree, then, please, follow the button link, at the end of these stories and sign the petition.

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