I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Monday, November 01, 2004


There and Back Again, Epilogue

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends. We're glad you could attend. Come inside! Come inside!

1 November, 2004

I just read over the last bit of this, and decided an epilogue was in order. Kind of get some closure here.

Well, let’s see.

One of the pair of “Jokely’s� that I bought in Doha broke within a couple of days of getting back.

My boss went on R&R on the 16th. The Army gives you two weeks R&R. Actually, they give you the opportunity to use some of the paid vacation that you earn each year. The nice part is, though, they don’t start counting days until you arrive at your destination and the 15 days is your actual time there. They don’t count the transit time there and back. The way it works out, your 15 days of R&R is really about 3 weeks or so away from work. So, I have about 2 more weeks without the boss. He did give me a little “gift� before he left, though. He did his best to cram 3 weeks worth of stress in the few days we had together before he left.

I don’t feel that “recharged� any more. But, that’s okay. In 17 days, or shortly after he gets back, I go on R&R, and so does SGT Smith. He gets the whole thing, day and night shift, to himself, for three weeks.

What goes around comes around, sometimes quicker than others.

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