I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Sunday, September 12, 2004



When I was young, like most little kids I had an imaginary friend. Being an only child, at the point where children develop a need for a sibling, I did the natural thing. I invented Squeaky.
Squeaky was a little boy exactly like me. Same hair, same eyes, same taste in Hot Wheels cars, etc... except of course, Squeaky was invisible. Squeaky ate with my mother and I, he and I went to pre-school together, played together, slept in the same bunk beds.....Squeaky preferred the top bunk, so, being, even then, a nice guy, I let him have it. But the main thing Squeaky and I did together was talk... actually, I did most of the talking, even then, Squeak was a good listener.
Then came the day... Squeaky could no longer stay with us... his job was done, or so we thought. Mom, not noticing that the invisible boy in her house was gone, asked me one day where Squeaky was. So, I told her. Squeak had joined the Army, and had to go. I still find it rather amazing that any Army recruiter (even in the late 60's) would take an invisible 4 year old boy! So, Squeaky was gone never to be seen again (not that he had been seen before, he was invisible, you know).
At least that is what I thought at the time.
So, time moved on, and I grew up. I graduated from high school, went to college, got married, graduated from college, and ... joined the Army. I joined at age 24, to be an Army Bandsmen. By then, I had pretty much forgot about Squeak. I did basic Training, went to my tech school (the one where they teach you your job in the military), and then to my first duty station, in Texas. Never thought about, heard of, or heard from Squeak. After all, he had, by this time been in 20 years, if he was still in, or still alive. One assumes being invisible would come in very handy in a number of the more dangerous jobs in the military.
After five years in Texas, the Army sends me to Panama. My wife does not immediately follow me, and I get stuck in the barracks, alone.
Guess what I found out!!! Squeaky was still in Army! He was an Army Bandsman ... and he not only was in my band, but we shared a barracks room. Of course, I did not realize this at first. Having a roommate who is extremely quiet to begin with, and invisible, means its rather hard to notice him. But, it was a small room, and one day we ran into each other!
I was amazed! After all these years, we still looked exactly the same! (I know, I talked to him many times while looking at him in the mirror, while shaving!) And if that was not enough, we were the same rank, as well!! We had many great conversations, once again. He was a great help in me keeping my sanity in a screwed up unit, while separated from my family. Matter of a fact, some of the best stuff in this book was stolen from him, and our talks.

But, all good things must come to an end. I received on post housing ...Squeak stayed with me for a while, but it came time for my wife to come down from Texas ... and Squeak was transferred.
I don't know where the Army sent him, but, he said when I need him again, he will be there. And he disappeared. Well, sort of ... I mean how can a guy who is already invisible, disappear?

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