I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


Acceptable Army Haircut

There has never been more of an oxymoron, than the term "acceptable Army haircut." At least, as far as I am concerned. I've read...no, memorized, the regulation that covers haircuts, And I know what I find acceptable. No such thing exists as an "acceptable Army haircut." So, what do you do? Well, when I'm not with my wife, I go as "gung-ho...hoooraaah" as I can. Why? If I can't have what I want...what fits my image of myself, why try to even get close? Because, as close as possible, is nowhere close to acceptable, in my mind. Why even try? Why not go for the easiest thing to deal with as possible, and still be socially acceptable? So, I do. The areas of my body that used to have feet of hair growing from them when I was a civilian, now....have what amounts to razor stubble.
I guess, the saddest thing is, I can tell my hairline is receding. So, it will work out that when I have the hair to grow it the way I want, I won't be able to, and, when I am able to, I won't have to hair to grow it out the way I want. I have six years in the service.
(Only fourteen more years... Only fourteen more years... Only fourteen more... Only fourteen... Only…

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