I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


My gut ...

I read this news story within 24 hours of it hitting the US press, in March of 2001.

I, distinctly, remember the time and the place.

I was stationed at Fort Sill, OK. We lived in Lawton, OK. I was sitting in my den, reading the news on the 'net after work.

My gut went into overdrive. I turned to my wife and said, "We are going to be at war with these guys within the next 12 months."

She asked me why. I had no solid response. Nothing factual. I just knew in my gut that these guys were crazy. Just crazy enough to pick a fight with who they perceived as the biggest kid on the block, the USA.

The rest is history ...

I say all of that to launch into Iran.

I got that gut feeling about Iran in 1979.

For those of you that do not remember, in 1979, Iran ... first through proxies, then through government forces, they stormed our embassy, kidnapped and held hostage our entire embassy staff, to include the Marine guard.

Now, after all that has happened to include this , and this, my gut has quit saying, "We are going to war with these guys soon."

Now my gut is saying, "GET ON WITH IT!"

Sidenote: At least, to the perception of people in the region, Iran is not Arab. According to history, they aren't either. Have you seen "The 300", or any of the History Channel documentaries on the same battle?

They are the Persians.

That is their geography, history, culture, and, in most cases, genealogy.

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