Saturday, September 30, 2006It's All About Amy #5
Which brings us up to now.
We are in Washington, as I have said before. We checked in and got Amy set up with Madigan. She was able to see a neurologist within a few days of getting set up with the local Army medical system. He checked everything in her records out, and we were sent home with three briefcases of material on various MS treatments. Before we started treatment, he wanted new MRI's (more complete, and with a more high-powered MRI machine), and new bloodwork. The medications are amazing. Each company has an incredible support system. Each involves some kind of self-injection. One is once a week, one is three times a week, and the last is everyday. The neurologist says that the three we have information for are the best there is available. The one that looked the best, after reading all the material and doing research, is the three-injection-a-week one. The company has a nurse, locally, that monitors the use of the medication, and insures that each person uses it properly. (More on this later) We found out today that the MRI came back as expected. Let me backtrack, when the neurologist was looking at Amy's original MRI, he explained Amy's condition this way: "If I had to have MS, this is what I would want my MRI to look like." The newest MRI showed more spots, and some spots in the spine. (The original MRI did not cover the MRI, or the entire skull.) However, none of the spots were very big, comparatively. AND, it did not appear that any of the spots were active. The downside is that the blood work has shown some irregularities in Amy's liver. It appears to be some kind of infection. The bad part is that the MS medication that the doctor thought would be most effective can, also, affect the liver. Amy had a liver biopsy last week. We should know the results Monday. If the liver thing is not a quick fix, then Amy will have to go the everyday shot medication. But, either way, we should, finally, be able to move forward with treatment.