Friday, January 14, 2005It's been a While
I know it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry about that. Things have been a bit hectic around here. It's not that things have really been any different around here, in terms of the general situation, or the specific situation at work. The division is getting ready to get out of here. So, they are starting to cut back on the number of people we are given to accomplish what we need. I've heard the saying "Less is more.", but, sometimes, less is just … less. Someone has to pick up the slack, and, lately, it has been my boss and me that have been doing it. I've been coming in earlier and getting done later. Where the night shift used to have a total of 5 people, counting myself, now there is 3, total. To make things worse, the original tasking called for 6 people to be on the nightshift. It was supposed to be 3 cooks running the kitchen, two people in our Sports Bar, and me supervising the bunch. Well, most of the time I have been here, it has been 3 cooks, one person in the Sports Bar with me covering in the Sports Bar, and supervising. Now, it's two cooks and me. The amount of work that has to get done has not changed at all. It's been fun. It hasn't all been elbows and … rear ends, though. Heard an amusing story the other day that I will share with you. There is this guy here. He has worked at the MWR as part of our rotating detail on a fairly regular basis. I know him pretty well. We will call him S. Young kid, about 20. He is not in my unit. S injured his lower back a few days ago. Nothing serious. Just some discomfort. Take it easy for a few days, and he will be fine. He, also, is pulling the night shift at his unit. Given his discomfort, and the close quarters he has to live in, getting to sleep at night has been a challenge. A couple of nights ago, a friend of his, knowing that he was in pain, and having problems getting to sleep, offered him a "muscle relaxer". Actually, just half of one. Just enough medication to take his mind off his back and help him get a good night's (day, actually) sleep. S jumped on it, and quickly took the little blue half-pill. S went to bed, and tried to get to sleep as the medication kicked in. S had drifted off to sleep. He was awoken about half an hour after he laid down. S quickly realized that the medication he had been given was not, in fact, a muscle relaxer. It was half of a Viagra pill. The poor boy was "at the position of attention" for the next 5 hours. Nothing he tried changed his condition. Didn't get a wink of sleep in that time. But, apparently, it was enough to take his mind off of his sore back. I guess this proves that, no matter what they call marijuana, LSD, coke, etc., Viagra is the only true "recreational" drug. Well, it's getting to the end of my long day. I'm going to post a few things I found hiding in the deep dark corners of my hard drive, and follow the example of my wife's dog. ![]()