I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


More Changes


I wasn't really thrilled with the templates that Blooger provided. So, I went looking at a few places, and thought I would give something else a try.

I thought the last template that I was using for the blog was really cool. Then, I loaded it in Mozilla. It was almost unreadable. So, I am giving this one a try. Tell me what you think. I like the colors, and the idea the original author had for the left column. Okay, the Reading and Listening thing was originally in a third column on the right, but I couldn't get all the stuff in the left column to work right with three columns. I decided to scale it back to two.

Anyway, if you have any problems reading it now, drop me a line.

Thanks, as always, for dropping by.

The only thing I don't like is when I want to comment a new window pops up. And the new window that pops up is for reading comments, not posting them. Then when I have to press anothing link which ALSO pops up as another window. Is there any way to make it all pop up in the same window?

Also, thank you for considering Mozilla users. I use Firefox as my default. :)
I'm not really sure how to fix that, totally. The first pop-up opens the article as it's own window, and shows all of the other comments that are part of that article.

I know it's kind of annoying, but I am not sure how to change that, if it can be changed within blogger. Except possibly to turn off each article as it's own page. Then, you can't see other's people's comments, and in the past, I have had an article or two that started it's own conversation thread. I don't really want to kill that possibility.
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