I'm fixing a hole...
where the rain gets in ...
and stops my mind from wandering ...
where it will go.

Monday, September 27, 2004


Kerry appeals for end to election advertising war

"The Democrats have complained bitterly about a new advertisement that shows Osama bin Laden, September 11 hijack leader Mohamed Atta, Saddam Hussein and the ruins of the World Trade Center, and questioned whether Kerry was up to dealing with them."

Huh, imagine that. It's, apparently, unfair to ask them to come up with answers to those questions. Or, at least, they think so.

As I sit here in Iraq, knowing that I have almost 5 years left on my military commitment, or to rephrase that, until the next Presidential term is over, for me, I can think of no question that is more pertinent at the moment. Yet, the Democrats think it is unfair to have to respond to that.

Well, Mr. Kerry, there are about 135,000 servicemen and women that deserve an answer to that question in Iraq, right now.

And, I am sorry, but the ads they are saying are unfair are from the new "527" organizations. You know what those are?

It's a new thing allowed by the legislation that restricted the "soft money" advertising that was said to be so bad. These ads are NOT funded by anyone's campaign, or by the parties. These are groups of voters that put their money together to voice their opinion. Hmmm ... can you say First Amendment, boys and girls?

Even better yet, Mr. Kerry has come out against the ads from 527 groups that do not support his campaign, but has encouraged for the 527 groups that do support his campaign. So, apparently, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

The President, on the other hand, not too long ago, asked ALL of the 527 groups to stop their ads, whether they supported him or not.

Is it just me, or do the Democrats sound like they are whining?

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