Sunday, September 25, 2005Have you seen this CRAP?
The link above is to an in-depth article on the Memorial that is being planned for Flight 93 from 9/11. It is being called the "Crescent of Embrace." This gives you an idea what it will look like:
![]() For those of you that don't immediately recall, Flight 93 was the flight that went down in rural Pennsylvania. And the crescent is the internationally recognized symbol of the Islamic faith. I first heard about this in an article by Mark Steyn. You have to scroll down a bit to get to it. It is called FLIGHT 93, RE-HIJACKED. It's worth a read. In fact, I found a lot of what he had to say worth reading. They have even done a parody pic on Sacred Cow Burgers. If you've been keeping up lately, I have been using a lot of their stuff. The guy who did the pic wrote some commentary on the situation. He wasn't quite as polite as Michelle Malkin or Mark Steyn, but I don't you will be left with any doubts about where he stands. Here is his pic: ![]() If the wingnuts on the left want to "embrace" something, then they ought to embrace this: The Muslim extremist element has decided that the West are the, to quote a Muslim speaker I read recently, "enemies of God." And they have decided that America is the pinnacle of Western culture, and, therefore, the enemy that should be struck and killed, first. Their vision of how the world should be is typified by the Taliban government in Afghanistan. To this end, Osama bin Laden and al Quaeda literally declared on the US. Not the US military, but every man, woman and child in our country. The choice is be Taliban-ized or be dead. When the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, etc., etc., up through the attack on the USS Cole, did not get our attention, they sent 19 men to hijack 4 planes on September 11, 2001. They took those planes, with their thousands of gallons of jet fuel, a piece, and turned them into guided missiles ... weapons of mass destruction. ![]() They struck at the financial center of our nation ... Two of the tallest buildings ever built in the history of the world. Buildings where 50,000 people worked daily. Thank the Lord that they struck so early in the day or the loss of life there would have been even worse. They struck at the nerve center of our military, killing almost 200 members of our armed services. None of this, really, takes into account the hundreds of people that were on those planes. And, the devastation could have been ... was supposed to have been much worse. Once again, thank God, that the hijackers on Flight 93 took so long to take control of that plane and turn it in the direction they were supposed to go. That gave the passengers on the flight the time to figure out what had happened and what was going to happen them. Where was that plane headed? I don't know that we will ever know, thankfully. "Experts" have surmised that it was aimed for the White House, or the Capitol building. Imagine what it would have been like to lose Congress in one fell swoop. I know I gritch about Congress, but it would have brought our government to a stop. Effectively, decapitated it. Once again, thankfully, we only have to imagine that. Those heroes on that plane refused to be victims, and, instead, chose to be heroes. Knowing they were going to die, chose to keep the hijackers from taking anyone else with them. I don't know about you, but I will never forget the words that Todd Beamer said, "“Are you ready, guys? Let'’s roll!" That day could have been a total defeat for America, but thanks to hundreds of policeman and firefighters, and the passengers on that plane, UPI'’s Jim Bennett wrote, "“The Era of Osama lasted about an hour and a half or so, from the time the first plane hit the tower to the moment the General Militia of Flight 93 reported for duty." Tolerance, embracing different viewpoints, or any of the rest of that "touchy-feely" multicultural diversity, politically correct crap is the answer. To those on the left, who advocate this type of memorial for Flight 93, or the travesty that is being erected at Ground Zero in New York, I suggest you embrace this: ![]() DON'T GET STUCK ON STUPID! (If you are interested in hearing more from New York City about the almost-sacrilege that is being committed at Ground Zero, read this, and to hear how even Hillary Clinton is offended by it, read this.) I'll close with another pic from Sacred Cow Burgers: ![]()