Tuesday, November 09, 2004Mexico and Immigration
Get this. This is the Mexican government talking:
"Mexico acknowledged it suffered a setback in the Nov. 2 elections, when Arizona voters approved Proposition 200, a ballot initiative aimed at keeping illegal immigrants from voting and obtaining some government services. The Arizona initiative would ``foment racial discrimination and limit (migrants') access to basic services like health and education,'' Mexico's Foreign Relations Department said in a news statement." They are talking about how this would effect illegal immigrants, not legal ones. So, the Mexican government wants us to welcome with open arms, provide the same services and rights we extend to citizens to people whose very presence in our country is a crime? People who come over that way because there is no way that they will be allowed in the country legally? Interesting fact: Do you remember in the early 90's when the Border Patrol and INS really cracked down on the Mexican border? I was living in El Paso, TX at the time. The media went nuts, initially, saying that the legal immigrants would be angered at how the US government was "mistreating" their former countryment that were "trying to get to freedom by any means possible (illegal immigration)". Guess what the press found out pretty quickly. The biggest supporters of the Border Patrol and INS's policy was recent legal immigrants. Go Figure. I have no problems with anyone from any country coming to America. The influx of people from many different countries and cultures is one of the things that have made us great. Just do it legally.